
Biodegradable Sponges; Buying Guide, selections & Why to use?

Sponges are one of the most commonly used products in our daily lives. They help us clean our mess, clean our dishes, and even serve as a fun toy for children. However, these sponges may not be that biodegradable after all. New research suggests that these sponges could be producing toxic chemicals and endangering people’s…

Water Balloons Are Biodegradable – How Does It Work?

Some of the most fun you can have on a warm day is with water balloons. They are inexpensive, easy to fill up, and children love them! One downside of filling up water balloons is that they are not biodegradable. This means that the balloon just sits in the environment and does not decompose for…

Why You Need to Use Biodegradable Sunscreen and What’s The Best One?

Biodegradable sunscreens are environmentally friendly, non-toxic and suitable for vegetarians. Biodegradable sunscreens are considered environmentally friendly because they break down over time, which prevents them from harming wildlife and ecosystems. They contain natural ingredients that are derived from plants, so they don’t have any chemicals or artificial colourants. It is also safe to use in…

Biodegradable soap that’s good for your skin

Our modern soaps are made from either animal fat or vegetable oil. The fats are combined with lye, which is then transformed into soap through a chemical reaction known as saponification. This process leaves sodium salts in the soap, which are very bad for your health. The main problem with common soaps is that they…

How Biodegradable is Leather? Top findings: This Question Stumps Everyone!

Leather is one of the most durable and luxurious materials available, but it’s also among the least recyclable. Leather can be recycled by breaking it down into its constituent parts, but this process often results in products that are non-recyclable or require additional processing to become usable again. Leather is biodegradable if it has been…

Is Wax Biodegradable? How To Determine The Answer!

What is wax? Wax is a material produced by bees and other insects to help them waterproof their bodies. Bees use it to form honeycombs, while some other insects secrete it from pores on their exoskeleton. The ingredient wax is mainly used for the manufacturing of candles, incense sticks and other home decor items. The…

Biodegradable Utensils:The reasons behind lack of Initiativeness & Demand!

What are biodegradable utensils? Biodegradable utensils are utensils that break down quickly in the environment, so they do not have any adverse effects on the environment. Biodegradable utensils are commonly used to serve food in restaurants. These materials have fewer greenhouse gases compared with conventional disposable cutlery made from petroleum-based materials such as plastic forks…

A Comprehensive Guide to Biodegradable Trash Bags!

Disposal, Usage & Recycling in an eco-friendly manner Firstly, we need to infer, the single-use plastic bags that we get in the grocery store are not only used once but hundreds of times. Also, one single-use plastic bag takes approximately 1,000 years to break down when you throw it into a landfill or incinerator. The…


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